So today was the start of my Self Directed Project. I was introduced to the unit with this morning's presentation on learning agreements and work plans. Both my learning agreement and work plan are due by Thursday 22nd March. My aim is to write these both up by Monday 19th if possible. I couldn't access the documentation on the learning agreement /work plan via My AUCB today so I will speak to my tutors to ensure I can by tomorrow.
For this project I have chosen to work within the Costume Store for my degree course. This is run by Dexter my tutor, my supervisor Amy and myself and 11 other students. It has been established that this is a professional working environment of a costume workroom.
The next 8 weeks of time have been allocated to specifically making these garments:
WEEKS 1 & 2 (12th - 23rd March)
1 x Edwardian Shirt
WEEKS 3, 4 & 5
1 x 18th Century Breeches or Waistcoat
WEEKS 6, 7 & 8
1 x Victorian Blouse
This will be a tricky time for me these next two weeks as I am also currently finishing my costume from the previous project 'Battle for the Winds' which is due by the Easter holidays (Friday 23rd March). Time planning is going to be essential the ensure all garments are finished. I will make a note of this when writing my work plan up.
After the introduction to the Costume Store Dexter allocated which Edwardian shirt each of us will be making for these next two weeks. This is mine -
It has a pin tucked yolk front with gatherings, cuffs and a collar.
Myself, and two other students (Beth and Danielle) are producing this Edwardian shirt. Already we are working as a team by cutting out the fabric from the provided patterns as a group to save time. A few problems already cropped up today as we noticed two errors with the patterns when comparing them to the example shirt on the stand. Dexter went through these and suggested what needed to be adapted to correct them.
On my first day I have already learnt to never ever rush straight into cutting fabric, always check the patterns before you do. Fortunately we had checked ours before cutting so this was too much of an issue! I have also learnt as a costume maker you must always think three to five stages ahead making sure you do things in the right sequence.
At the end of the session Dexter talked us through the making process for the shirt. With my written notes I shall follow through the instructions methodically and logically, taking my time and not rushing to ensure all of my finishings are neat and all sewing lines are straight.
Bearing this all in mind I have a better understanding of the project in hand and what is expected of me from this unit.
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