All settled in Bury St.Edmunds for the start of a very busy Production Week. Myself, Lou Tring, Andrew Layton and Katie Broome were introduced to Andy the Production Manager, Theatre Technical Crew, Cast and the Theatre Royal itself. Sarina talked us through the costumes and gave us a massive list of jobs to do and since the word go we have been working non-stop! It has been rather tricky as the actors are always needed in their costume (even when they aren't finished!) meaning that we have to work around them. This does involve us working into break times, hence the late finish of 12.30am this morning!
I have learnt so much already from this week. For starters I now know to make sure you always prioritize what costume needs finishing first as there have been a few moments where Sarina has asked me to work on another garment because it needs to be worn by the actor asap. I feel that my confidence has been a bit hit and miss at some points with knowing what to do. I am so new to this experience, working in a theatre professionally, dealing with many problems and people that I do feel a bit overwhelmed sometimes. I think I need to learn to calm down and not to panic but listen and always ask if I am not sure. As there is so much to do it's not trying to worry so much but to work methodically and practically.
Tomorrow will be better. This week will be a long one!
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